Tuesday, October 21, 2014


  • Please follow protocols consistently to ensure that all patrons receive the same level of service.  We can provide assistance to patrons who wish to learn how to use the catalog via the kiosks, we can assist patrons in filling out a request slip, but we should not break protocol by conducting searches at the circ desk unless there are extenuating circumstances. 
  • Make sure the self check out station is shut down properly and completely......on several occasions, the red light switch has not been flipped.
  •  Same goes for museum passes......you must complete the checkout by entering the assigned code. I think people sometimes hand the patron the pass and then forget to close the transaction.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Circ Notes

Lots of little details were discussed yesterday at the MVLC Circ/Ill meeting:

  • Accounts are now blocked when a patron reaches $20 in billing or has 20 items overdue.  Up until they hit that 20 item or $20 threshold, staff and patrons can renew materials.
  • Always include a middle name or initial when registering a new patron (it helps to clarify when more than one patron in the system shares a common name.) Also try to get as much contact info as possible ie. 2nd phone number, email address, etc.  Always include a street address.....PO Box is not sufficient.
  • When registering patrons, always add the location at the very bottom under "Statistical Categories" ......it'll read Location (19xx).  There's a drop down menu and you must select "1934 Newburyport".   Location (2xxx) is for patrons residing in non MVLC member towns.
  • When registering a new patron, you must ALWAYS check to see if there is an existing account.  If it is in good standing, you can then merge the accounts by replacing the barcode and updating all the information.  Don't forget to update the home library and the statistical category 'Location'.
  • Barred patrons - we cannot 'unbar' another library's patron.  If a situation has been resolved, call the other library and ask them to do it.  If that library is not open, see me.
  • Remember.....only  use the 'uncancel' function if an expired hold was the fault of the library ie. we did not call the patron.  Otherwise, a new request must be placed.
  • All new DVD TV series will be packaged and circulated by season by all MVLC libraries. (no more 'parts' issues....at least going forward!) 
That's all for now, folks....thanks.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Phone calls and Newspapers

Please make sure to look for and call the 'phone notification' patrons when their items come in....recently I've gone to expire items only to find the patron was never called.

Also, please remember to check in all the morning newspapers on the sheet under the circ desk.  Thank you.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Patron Edit Page

  • When adding or editing a patron address, please write out 'Newburyport'.....never abbreviate.
  • When a patron moves from another MVLC town to Newburyport, rather than deleting the old account, simply update the patron's current account and of course replace the old barcode with the new Newburyport card.
  • If you are in a patron's edit screen, update the expiration date by clicking on 'Update Expire Date'.  It will automatically set the expiration date for 3 more years. That way, we won't have so many people with dates set so far in the future.   Patrons that were with us prior to the migration to Evergreen, have expiration dates out to 2037!  But make sure to check with the patron to ensure all of their contact info is correct.
Thank you.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

De-dotting and Bills

We are now de-dotting Dec. and Jan. Fiction

Bills -
 - When adding a bill to a patron account, please note what the bill is for.  For example, if you add a bill for a replacement book cover (or dvd case or whatever have you) you must note that on the bill.  Otherwise, when the patron approaches the desk and we tell them there is a bill on their account and they want to know why, we have to be able to tell them ....... if we can't, we end up forgiving the bill.

- Fill out the payment slip completely.

                     NPL -  If the payment is for an NPL item, put the payment slip in the Newburyport manilla envelope in the money drawer at the front desk or in the staff person's mailbox who is responsible for that part of the collection....ie. a fiction lost book payment slip can go into Jessica Atherton's mailbox. (There is a list on the Circ. office bulletin board.) The payment itself goes in with the daily cash.

                   Other Libraries  -  If the payment is for another library's item, the slip and payment go into the "OTHER Libary's" manilla envelope.

                   Both  -  If payment is to NPL but also to another owning library, you must complete a separate payment slip for each library and the patron must make a check out separately to each library.

- More information...... if you think there should be more information attached to a bill than is readily evident, you can find it (if it is there) by check marking/highlighting the specific bill and going into 'history' and then at the bottom, clicking on 'Full Details'. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Patron Accounts

I know we've been talking about library cards a lot.....

However, twice today I checked out to patrons who have more than one account.  I wouldn't have known this if they had produced a card upon checkout, but just their luck,........  And both of them had outstanding bills on their prior accounts.

So......Please. ..... Make sure the patron requesting a Newburyport Library card does not have another account in another town!

Thank you!