Thursday, October 31, 2013


Just a reminder.....
Pages and volunteers should not be checking out their own items.  This is a privacy issue. 


Monday, October 21, 2013

ILL Survey Time

Just another reminder. See the main blog for details.

Go Sox!

DVD and Audio Mending

The mending boxes in the Circ office are only for items that can be machine cleaned.  Playaways and disks that are actually broken do not go in those boxes.......they should be left for me so I can re-order them.

Friday, October 18, 2013

More on De-Dotting, ILLs

We've decided to go to a 6 month schedule for fic/non fic schedule except during the busiest summer months.  We'll keep biographies for 7 months and the Books-to-Go will stay out for 1 year.

So.......we're now de-dotting March and April and just March for the biographies.  

Vir Cat ILLs -  When checking in the red banded books, please make sure you scan the red band Newburyport barcode, write a big X on the red band, stick the slip in the book and place it in the REF mailbox.   A few of these have ended up on the Missing In Transit list because they were not checked in properly.

I've also noticed that several museum passes that were returned would not check in because they were never checked out properly...

Please.......details, details, details.....


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October De-Dots

I have changed over all March new fiction and non-fiction to the regular shelves. Everything in the reading room as of this morning has been de-dotted but please keep an eye out for March returns and take the stickers off. I also changed over February biographies and March hot DVD's please also keep an eye out for these and de-dot those as well.