Friday, June 21, 2013

June 24 -28

Hi Everybody........I'm off next week on vacation.....I'll be back Sat. June 29.

I hope all goes swimmingly!  Especially Monday morning June 24th.!  If we are down, the Down Time folder in the circ office has signage and instructions.  I've also left a list of museum reservations for Nancy in case patrons come to pick up passes. (She'll be on the Circ desk Monday morning)

While I'm gone:  Please

  • Follow through with daily hold expires.

  • Keep the Hats replenished......there are more on the top shelf in the circ office.

  • Beth  is going to ensure all brochures are available.

  • Nancy will print the daily overdue notices.

  • Anna will water the plants.

  • Giselle will check my emails. 
  • And mid week, can someone put up the signs announcing the beginning of Summer Hours.


Friday, June 14, 2013

A few things......

If you roll the fiction cart up to the 2nd floor, please remember to put the music cds into the reshelving basket in the reference room.

Re-barcoding bin in the circ office - The only items that belong in this bin are items that we own that have triggered to transit (and of course have no barcode on the front cover).

The 3rd fl. shelving cart -  the 900's go on the middle shelf as there are many more of these than 800's.  The 800's go on the bottom shelf.


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

No More Children's Museum of New Hampshire!

Hi, all!

Sadly, we are dropping the museum passes to the Children's Museum of New Hampshire.  By far, it was the least used, and therefore not worth the cost.  We are hoping to add something else in it's place!

The calendar is not on the website, but it is listed.  That is where confusion may lie.  At the next website update, Giselle will have it removed from the museum list.


Peabody Essex Museum - Update

The Peabody Essex Museum  has now changed over to coupon passes.  Patrons no longer have to return the pass for check-in.

The checkout  identifier is now a simple more barcode.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Caps for Sale! Caps for Sale!

The Friends of the Library are now offering great stone washed CAPS FOR SALE......
They are $10/ea.  and are on display on the Friends counter at the front desk.  There's an envelope in the center circ desk drawer.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Library Cards

I've updated the write-up of all the various types of library cards we offer.   With summer fast approaching, please review.  It's in the main circ drawer on a bright yellow laminated sheet.

Feel free to refer to the sheet even as you are setting up a new patron's card.

There have been a few changes so please familiarize yourselves. Notably, we are now:
  • setting a 3 month expiration date to Newburyport group home residents.  
  • setting a 1 year expiration date for all other MA. consortium cards entered into our system.
  • if possible, having in-state summer residents register their own library cards into our system and setting an expiration date......

Also, please remember to offer temporary cards (the yellow ones) to patrons from other MVLC towns.

Monday, June 3, 2013


I have changed the copy location for all NOVEMBER fiction, non-fiction, and biographies from "New Books" to fiction, non-fiction, and biography respectively. If you see any November items at the desk please de-dot them. We are trying a seven month cycle to see if this leaves enough room on the reading room shelves. Keep an eye out for November books-to-go and leave them in the cataloging mailbox for updating. I'll be posting here when I change over new books.