Museum Passes -Both the Peabody Essex Museum and the Isabella Gardner Stewart Museums have now switched to paper passes. They are dated passes. Please make sure you hand out the correct pass! Also, remember to remind patrons who check out passes that get returned, that they must be returned by the next morning or they will be charged $5/day.
The Door Counter - Please remember to zero out the counter after taking the daily count.
Snugging -( not snuggling ) Snugging. Please. Snug the books on the reserve shelves. And the reading room. And the DVDs and Audio Books and anything else you see. It looks better. And it keeps the books, etc. from falling down.
Barcodes - Any item going on the transit cart in the circ office that does not have an exterior barcode (usually these belong to other libraries) should be placed horizontally on the back side of the cart. If the item is ours, it goes in the wire bin under the counter for re-barcoding.
Shelving carts - please browse shelving carts behind the circ desk prior to moving them out. We are finding all sorts of wrong books on the wrong carts...... including items belonging to other libraries.
Thanks for your careful attention.
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